Lemons To Lemonade
Responding to a negative review with agility and tactfulness is imperative to shine a positive light on your business in the public eye.

Protect Your Reputation
Have embittered customers written negative reviews about your business? Do you worry that prospective clients will see these reviews on the first page of Google results, in business directories or on social media? As a business owner, you should be concerned. Customer reviews can have a massive impact on your marketing, your leads, and, inevitably, your sales. In the digital world today, customers often take their experience straight to the web. Any time a customer communicates their experience with your brand, either positive or negative, the review will be amplified on the web and social media.
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Product Benefits
Yes, you're upset! We'll lend a compassionate, yet objective ear.
We are trained in de-escalation techniques. Let's turn lemons into lemonade.
If handled correctly, a negative review can actually enhance your brand.
Receive a thoroughly documented incident report for your records.

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Businesses who lean on their reputation:
Home businesses, Professional services, Healthcare Practices, Travel and Hospitality, Restaurants and bars
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Timing is everything, and responding to a less than a glowing review with agility and tactfulness is imperative to shine a positive light on your business in the public eye. That's where we can help!

Part public relations gurus, part tech experts, our Find8 Performance Marketers will assist you in managing and responding to positive reviews.
- Incident discovery
- Client interview and negative review response
- Incident report
For a small fee, our Performance Marketing team can monitor your reviews in real-time and notify you immediately if you receive a negative review.
When your business receives a negative review, contact Find8 right away! In our professional opinion, businesses should respond to ALL reviews, but it's most important to respond to reviews scoring 3 or below.
When a customer leaves a less than glowing review, we need to respond quickly. Professionally written responses need to be done for the customer who left the review, but perhaps more importantly, for everyone else reading the reviews afterward. It is always a great feeling to read and hear positive reviews of your company, but negative reviews should be considered an opportunity for the business to do better.
When your business receives a negative review, we will contact you for a phone interview. During this interview, we will gather information and facts. After the interview, a Performance Manager will write a professional response for you to review and edit. Once it is approved, we will post the response to the appropriate review website under your name.
See a complete inventory of what the client said about your brand, along with our response.
Performs Well With
Our data science team can easily see trends in the marketplace to better respond to negative reviews.
There are plenty of insights to be derived from how consumers react to negative reviews.
Our automation allows us to be on top of negative reviews to turn lemons into lemonade!
Coming in 2021!